Vande Bharat Express, also known as Train 18, is a high-speed, fully air-conditioned passenger train that was launched in India in February 2019. It is the first self-propelled, semi-high speed train developed by the Indian Railways.
It features modern amenities such as Wi-Fi, infotainment systems, and bio-toilets. The train has received positive reviews for its comfort, punctuality, and reliability. Some of its key specifications include:
- Top speed: 160 km/h (99 mph)
- Length: 16 coaches, with a total length of approximately 200 meters
- Capacity: 1,128 passengers
- Power source: Electric traction, with power supplied through overhead electrical lines
- Coaches: The train consists of 16 air-conditioned coaches, including a pantry car, two executive class coaches, and 13 chair car coaches
- Livery: The train has a red and blue livery, with the Indian tricolor prominently displayed on the sides
- Amenities: The train features state-of-the-art amenities such as on-board Wi-Fi, LCD screens, automatic doors, and bio-vacuum toilets. It also has an optional in-coach catering service.
- Operation: The train operates on the Indian Railways network, primarily on routes between major cities.