Automatic Train Washing Plant Washes 24 Coach Train in 7-10 Minutes in Washing Plant The Automatic Coach Washing Plant is a multistage external cleaning system for coaches/trains, using high pressure water jet, vertical rotating nylon and cotton combination brushes.
The Automatic Coach Washing Plant is able to achieve complete exterior cleaning of a rake of 24 coaches in about 15-20 minutes time while being placed on the pit line, for primary/secondary maintenance.
Besides providing safe and reliable service to our esteemed passenger, it is also necessary for the Railways to offer the convenience of neat and clean coaches.
• Excellent external cleaning quality of full length trains achieved within 15-20 minutes, while being placed on the pitline for primary/secondary maintenance.
• The plant does away with the very labour intensive activity of external cleaning of Passenger trains on Indian Railways.
• Reduced requirement of water and consumables as compared to conventional cleaning methods.
• Has minimal electrical energy, maintenance and manpower requirement for operation.
• Eco-friendly. Uses minimum quantity of water, soaps and disinfectants. Further, the water used for the washing plant can be treated through ETP plant and recycled.